Selena Gomez Fights Back, “I Did Gain Weight But I Don’t Care”

After photographs of 23-year-old Selena Gomez in a pink bikini began circulating around the Internet, people started body-shaming her for her apparent weight gain.

Selena recently revealed to US Weekly that these comments have caused her to have therapy sessions.


“I’ve been working in therapy. Even if I did gain weight, I’m fine. That’s what the picture represents,” she said.

Selena also shared people would go so far as to yell disgustingly hurtful comments such as “You’re fat” at the artist.

“This was the first year I ever dealt with anyone talking about my body. I’d land at the airport and people would yell out, ‘You’re fat!’ It was awful,” she said.

The thing is, everyone’s body weight fluctuates. It’s just that most of us aren’t being snapped by paparazzi 24/7, unlike Selena who has swarms of photographersphotographing her every move.

Like every 23-year-old, Selena has had constant battles with body-image over the years however it is disgraceful that she has to put up with these types of comments on a day-to-day basis.


Recently in a live Q&A with Adidas NEO, the star was asked what she would most like to see change in the world.

Selena responded, “I’d get rid of bullying. People are so mean, it’s exhausting.”

Despite the negativity, Selena has channeled her energy into her second album and told Extra TV that some of the songs are inspired by her experience of being body shamed.

“I was getting a lot of hate for my body and ‘you’re gaining weight,’ and so I was in Mexico and I was just feeling all of this stuff and I would be lying to you if I said it didn’t kind of hurt my feelings, but I kind of channeled that into my music,” she said.


Body shaming is unacceptable. No matter who you are, no matter what your age.

We need to take a stand and say NO to bullying.

To read more about bullying and how to cope, check out National Centre Against Bullying for more information.

Until next time,


8 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Fights Back, “I Did Gain Weight But I Don’t Care”

  1. shjenkins says:

    Its utterly ridiculous how body image is represented in our modern age. Females no longer feel comfortable in themselves and more than ever this is driven by social media that instantly can be seen by millions of impressionable girls all over the world

    Liked by 1 person

    • takebackthebody says:

      I completely agree! Women today are unfairly scrutinized and this is all down to what the media portrays as beautiful. Really appreciate you expressing your opinion here, it’s great to hear from our readers 🙂


    • takebackthebody says:

      You make such a great point! The media has no right to criticize anyone for their weight, especially when they’re as healthy as Selena Gomez! Thank you so much for your contribution, we love to hear our readers thoughts 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sugarshame2015 says:

    Good on Selena! Stick to your guns girl, we need more women like this who are willing to ignore unrealistic portrayals enforced by the media and be role models for women all over the world. Great article!


  3. Emma Gillespie says:

    Selena is such a positive role model for young girls at the moment, I’ve loved tracking her body positive and female empowered conversations over the last year or so. The media sets appallingly high standards for women in hollywood and the gender double standard compared to our expectations of famous men are completely different. Good on Selena and thank you for spreading her positive message!

    Liked by 1 person

    • takebackthebody says:

      She is a great role model, isn’t she?! She encourages young women to ignore the ridiculous standards set by the media industry and just be content with themselves and who they are. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙂


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